COVID-19 hit New Jersey early and hard. But even during the toughest days, we saw New Jerseyans do what we do best. We came together — we supported, looked after, and fought for each other. I formed the Regional Recovery Task Force and fought in Congress for aid for our state

Criminal Justice Reform

My time at the U.S. Attorney’s Office showed me just how much work we have to do to make sure our justice system works for all Americans. I helped to establish the first federal reentry program for New Jersey residents to help them get back on their feet after serving their time in the federal prison system.

Supporting Workers

My grandfather, Bill Donovan, worked at GM and was a proud member of UAW Local 233. He had good medical benefits, a pension, and with hard work, he was able to provide for his family. Because of that union job, my mom went to college and I was able to fulfill my dream of becoming a Navy helicopter pilot.


The climate crisis is real and in New Jersey, addressing it isn’t a partisan issue. It’s an economic, national security, and public health issue that affects all of us. The residents of our community are strong supporters of the environment and it has long been an issue where we’ve come together in bipartisan agreement.

People Before Politics

The people of New Jersey are my first priority in Congress. We need leaders who will ensure that the people they represent have a say in what happens in Washington.

I’ve supported measures to reform our campaign finance system, improve campaign disclosures, and introduce a constitutional amendment that would overturn Citizens United to stop the flow of dark money into our elections.


I am proud to have served in the U.S. Navy alongside service women and men who put their lives on the line to defend our country and our values. Our service members deserve access to educational opportunities, employment, first-class healthcare and rehabilitation, and should not have to travel hours to reach a VA facility. 

Social Security and Medicare

Social Security and Medicare are promises to the American people. They are guarantees of a dignified and secure retirement after a lifetime of hard work. Seniors have paid into these initiatives with every paycheck, and we must honor these earned benefits. As your Representative, I will make sure that Social Security and Medicare are protected.

Preventing Gun Violence

As a mother of four, my heart breaks for the families across this nation whose lives have been forever changed by gun violence. As a former member of the U.S. Navy, I’m horrified by the use of weaponry that belongs on the battlefield. As a former prosecutor, I saw the devastating impact…

National Security

As a former Navy pilot, I’m honored to sit on the House Armed Services Committee, and I am proud of the role that New Jersey plays in our national defense. 

Since 1880, Picatinny Arsenal has been a hub for innovation and technological advances. It is an economic hub for New Jersey, contributing over a billion dollars to our state’s economy and our defense manufacturing sector.


The opioid epidemic in New Jersey is a serious public health threat. In 2016, New Jersey lost 1,901 of our neighbors to the opioid epidemic. And since 2014, New Jersey’s death rate from opioid overdoses has increased by 16.4 percent, and that has only gotten worse as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.